It is the responsibility of the school to refer all cases of suspected abuse to Children’s Social Care. Therefore referrals about suspected abuse or neglect may be made if brought to the attention of school staff. Wherever possible we will communicate concerns with parents / carers prior to making a referral.

Please follow the Share Point visual link to view our Safeguarding Information.

If you have any safeguarding concerns please don't hesitate to contact our Designated Safeguarding Leads on


Online Safeguarding

Our school uses a robust network filtering system. Technology offers unimaginable opportunities and is constantly evolving. Access is currently becoming universal and increasingly more mobile, and pupils are using technology more frequently and from an earlier age.

Just because these environments are online makes them no less susceptible to potential harm compared to the physical world. This makes it vitally important that pupils and staff are fully prepared and supported to use these technologies responsibly.

At Tor View we have an Online Safeguarding Team which consists of staff and pupils from across the school working together towards a shared vision for Online Safeguarding.

Our Approach

The provision for Online Safeguarding at Tor View is Outstanding and all staff including members of the wider workforce share responsibility for it. Assemblies, Key Skills Lessons, PHSCE and an age appropriate curriculum for Online Safeguarding all help pupils to become safe and responsible users of new technologies. We have a dedicated Online Safeguarding Policy and Online Safety is incorporated into all areas of the curriculum where required.

Senior leaders, governors, staff and families work together to develop clear strategies for Online Safeguarding, and policies are reviewed regularly in light of technological developments.

At Tor View we ensure staff and governors receive appropriate Online Safeguarding training that is relevant and regularly up to date.

We operate robust reporting channels for staff and pupils facing Online Safety issues.

We educate and support parents through an Online Safeguarding stand at parents evenings, by raising awareness through the school website and social media, and encouraging pupils to educate parents.



Our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy and supplementary addendums can be found on our Whole School Policies page